Saturday, April 2, 2022

*Joy*, Because of Him by Lavera Wade

A friend gave me a card a few days ago, it said “Joy, because of Him”, as we celebrate the Easter season, and spring is in the air this card was certainly appropriate for the time.  But what is joy?

I recently read the difference between pleasure, and joy can be described as, pleasure is when something happens to you, it is all about you. Maybe an ice cream cone on a summer day, a walk near the river, the laughter of a child.  Joy is when something happens to you that is so wonderful, you feel you must share it with others.  A celebration, a wedding, a promotion, the birth of a child, a new puppy.

At Easter we celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice, and that he was risen.  The story of Jesus tells that he came to share the good news that God loves us.  Jesus also told us that we must love one another.  As disciples we try to live as best we can, in the example that Jesus lived.

“Be kind” seems to be the best we can strive for, as we go about our daily lives.  There is so much need in the world, one could feel overwhelmed and unable to think of what to do to help others.

On my way home every day, I come to an intersection where two roads merge, it would be almost impossible for those coming from the left to merge, if those on the right did not open up space by slowing or stopping.  Without exception, they do.  It is like a dance, who are these people who show such kindness?  Unknown strangers, who let others into traffic every day.  Kindness is the result of small, simple, actions.  We are all given the opportunity to show kindness to strangers, as we go about our lives.  Most often it takes a moment to move out of our busy minds, and notice what’s happening around us. Share a smile, or let someone in line.

We know joy because of Him, we share that joy by simple kindness shown to others.

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